Case study 6
Determine the (clear sky) atmospheric attenuation to be expected for the following satellite signals at a reception site in Canberra. Assume a notional satellite position of 160oEast.
Solution 6
Assuming a 160 deg satellite the earth station elevation is 47deg.
If we assume moderate humidity (7.5 g/m3) the following values can be interpolated from the figure 22.
Frequency Total (GHz) Atmospheric attenuation (dB) 1.5 0.29 12 0.31 30 0.90
From reference 7 (Ippolito) a table of values for a hot-humid climate (15 g/m3) yields the following values
Frequency Total (GHz) Atmospheric attenuation (dB) 1.5 0.29 12 0.39 30 1.66
It is only at 20-30 GHz that atmospheric attenuation begins to have any real significance and even then it is much less important than rain attenuation.
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