Digital Broadcasting

Digital Television


What is the difference between digital and analog television?

What are the benefits to consumers of digital television?

What will consumers require?

Why is the Government making these decisions now?


Why are existing free-to-air broadcasters being provided with an additional 7 MHz of spectrum
with no upfront costs?

Is 7MHz of spectrum for broadcasters too much?

Is there any guarantee that existing free to air broadcasters will start up digital television quickly?

Is there any guarantee that existing free to air broadcasters will use spectrum for HDTV?

How can existing broadcasters use the 7MHz of spectrum?

Why will existing free to air broadcasters be prohibited from providing multi-channel or pay TV services via the spectrum allocated for digital television?


Why hasn't the Government allowed all available broadcasting spectrum to be auctioned on a competitive basis?

How much spectrum will be available for new players once existing players are allocated spectrum?


When will the Government allow new broadcast players into the market?


What is datacasting?

What sort of datacasting services will be available?

Will existing FTAs be charged for spectrum used for datacasting?

When will the Government allow new datacasting players into the market? How will these players gain access to spectrum?


Will all people who currently receive an analog terrestrial television broadcast continue to receive television signals?

For what period will the Government require broadcasters to simulcast their analog and digital programs? For how long will consumers be able to use their current (analog) television sets?

Will the introduction of digital television require the construction of new transmission towers and sites in metropolitan or regional areas?

What will the Government do to ensure common standards for digital receivers and set-top boxes?


Will regional Australia receive a quality television signal during, and after, the transition to digital television?

How will the Government assist regional broadcasters to make that transition?


What sort of programs will be available on digital television?

How much Australian programming will be available?

Will additional services be provided for deaf and hearing impaired Australians?


What further work is required by the Government to ensure a smooth introduction of digital television in Australia?


Will the ABC and the SBS be supported in their migration to digital broadcasting? What levels of funding will be provided to assist this migration? Will they be able to provide multi-channel and data services?


Will the Government ensure the continued operation of community television in the digital environment?

Digital radio

What are the benefits to consumers of digital radio?

What will be the costs to consumers?

Why has the Government taken a different approach to digital radio than for digital television?

When will digital radio be introduced?

Why will radio stations be allocated only a share of multiplex transmission facilities?

What are likely to be the standards and planning processes followed for the introduction of digital radio?




What is the difference between digital and analog television?

What are the benefits to consumers of digital television?

What will consumers require?

Why is the Government making these decisions now?



Why are existing free-to-air broadcasters being provided with an additional 7 MHz of spectrum with no upfront costs?


Is 7MHz of spectrum for broadcasters too much?


Is there any guarantee that existing free to air broadcasters will start up digital television quickly?


Is there any guarantee that existing free to air broadcasters will use spectrum for HDTV?


How can existing broadcasters use the 7MHz of spectrum?

Why will existing free to air broadcasters be prohibited from providing multi-channel or pay TV services via the spectrum allocated for digital television?


Spectrum Availability and Allocation

Why hasn't the Government allowed all available broadcasting spectrum to be auctioned on a competitive basis?

How much spectrum will be available for new players once existing players are allocated spectrum?

New Broadcasting Players

When will the Government allow new broadcast players into the market?


What is datacasting?


What sort of datacasting services will be available?


Will existing FTAs be charged for spectrum used for datacasting?


When will the Government allow new datacasting players into the market? How will these players gain access to spectrum?


Receiving digital and analog television

Will all people who currently receive an analog terrestrial television broadcast continue to receive television signals?

- In analog broadcasting, there is a steady decline in reception quality the further the TV set is from the broadcast tower. People towards the edge of the reception area will get relatively poor quality TV, but there is no clear cut off point, meaning that people on the fringes will probably get some reception.

- In digital broadcasting, people throughout the reception area will get good quality reception which will change very little with distance from the broadcast tower. However, there comes a point at which reception fails, beyond which people get no reception at all.


For what period will the Government require broadcasters to simulcast their analog and digital programs? For how long will consumers be able to use their current (analog) television sets?


Will the introduction of digital television require the construction of new transmission towers and sites in metropolitan or regional areas?


What will the Government do to ensure common standards for digital receivers and set-top boxes?

Digital Television in Regional Areas

Will regional Australia receive a quality television signal during, and after, the transition to digital television?


How will the Government assist regional broadcasters to make that transition?


What sort of programs will be available on digital television?


How much Australian programming will be available?


Will additional services be provided for deaf and hearing impaired Australians?

Further work required

What further work is required by the Government to ensure a smooth introduction of digital television in Australia?

- advise on transmission standards and compatibility requirement (including issues related to conditional access systems);

- commence detailed technical planning; and

- identify broadcasting spectrum not required for the digital conversion of the FTAs.

- the kinds of datacasting and enhanced programming (multiview) services which should be allowed;

- how legislation can be amended to reflect the growing convergence between broadcasting and other kinds of media and communications services;

- whether the national broadcasters should be allowed to transmit multi-channel programming which is non-commercial and in line with their Charter obligations; and

- rules for governing the retransmission of FTA digital services on pay TV systems.

- new commercial FTA entrants should be allowed after 31 December 2008;

- commercial FTAs should be allowed to provide multi-channel and /or pay TV services using digital technology; and

- a simulcasting period other than 8 years should be prescribed in regulations.

National Broadcasters (The ABC and the SBS)

Will the ABC and the SBS be supported in their migration to digital broadcasting? What levels of funding will be provided to assist this migration? Will they be able to provide multi-channel and data services?

Community Television

Will the Government ensure the continued operation of community television in the digital environment?


Digital radio

What are the benefits to consumers of digital radio?

- deliver CD quality sound to fixed, portable and mobile receivers;

- provide for better reception than current AM and FM radio broadcasts; and

- requires far less spectrum than the current analog system.


What will be the costs to consumers?


Why has the Government taken a different approach to digital radio than for digital television?


When will digital radio be introduced?


Why will radio stations be allocated only a share of multiplex transmission facilities?


What are likely to be the standards and planning processes followed for the introduction of digital radio?



Analog broadcasting

Conventional broadcasting, in which the picture, sound and other information is transmitted as a continuous wave form.



The acronyms for the US and European formal standards for digital television.

  • ATSC = Advanced Television Systems Committee (US)
  • DVB = Digital Video Broadcasting (Europe)

The standards provide for a wide range of technical and other specifications for digital television broadcasting. They have many similarities - for example, both use the same compression system for the video signal. The most significant difference is in the modulation system adopted for the radiofrequency signal carrying the information.



A process whereby the digital signal is 'squashed' to fit a particular transmission capacity, by various mathematical processes.



An imprecise expression to cover the range of possible data services which could be delivered using the available transmission capacity, but not including the main broadcasting program stream(s).


Digital broadcasting

Broadcasting in which picture and other information is converted into, and transmitted as, a series of discrete 'bits'.


High definition television (HDTV)

Television with approximately twice the resolution of SDTV. Various options of lines and pixels are provide for in standards, eg 1080 lines by approximately 1900 pixels, aspect ratio 16:9.




Enhanced program/multiview

Digital television enables a data transmission rate in excess of 20 MBits per second using a 7 MHz channel. SDTV requires around 8 MBits per second to achieve good picture quality, and less for low quality. HDTV requires the full available transmission rate. Thus, a broadcaster has the option of providing

  • one channel of HDTV
  • three or more entirely separate channels of programming at SDTV (multichannelling)
  • enhanced views of the same program eg different camera angles on an event (enhanced programming or multiview)


Radiofrequency spectrum

A discrete part of the spectrum, which is used for various radio communications.

  • The radiofrequency spectrum is labelled according to the frequency of the radio waves in cycles per second (Hertz, Hz)
  • The frequencies included are from 3kHz to 300GHz
  • This spectrum is planned according to internationally agreed guidelines, so that particular parts of it are reserved for particular purposes. Television is allocated spectrum in the 45-230 MHz range (VHF) and 580-820 MHz range (UHF), which in Australia is divided into 7 MHz bands.
  • Long wavelength areas of the spectrum have different characteristics from short wavelength areas - for example, shorter wavelengths usually have a shorter transmission range for a given power. This makes them useful for different purposes



A natural phenomenon comprising the continuous range of electromagnetic radiation ranging from the longest radio waves (with wavelengths measured in many metres) through infrared, visible light, ultra violet, X rays and gamma rays, where the wavelength is approaching the size of atoms. See radiofrequency spectrum.


Standard definition television (SDTV)

Television with the same format and definition as the current PAL analog system ie

  • 625 lines vertically
  • 720 dots (pixels) per line
  • 50 frames per second using interlaced scanning
  • aspect ratio (ratio of width to height of screen) 4:3.


Terrestrial broadcasting

Broadcasting from towers or masts using the radiofrequency spectrum (does not include satellite broadcasting and cable broadcasting).


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