Baden Powell Guild of Canberra

BP Guild DragonThe BP Guild is a group of people who have been or still are involved with Scouting and Guiding. We meet around once a month with the main aims of Fellowship & Service. The BP Guild of Canberra has been operating since 1988 and is connected through to the International Scout and Guide Fellowship (ISGF). We are not controlled by either the Scouts or the Guides but in essence aim to be a life after Rovers group. Age range is 18-> .. but we don't encourage people to Join until they finish Rovers. As a general rule we meet on the first Friday of the month, at the Black Mountain Guide Hall. We have a program of fellowship and service and a newsletter called Dragons Breath.

The majority of our membership is over 50 at present and we need some younger people to expand the activity horizons and give us a critical mass. Membership is around 10, currently. Basically we have an organisation which is up and running, but need a group like Bofia to take it over and give it some life. Single membership is $20 a year, of which $8.00 goes to the National & International Organizations (Administration). In October each year the State Guildmasters meet from each state and have an Australian Guildmasters meeting where common issues for the organisation are discussed and Australian policy decided. It is through this group that we are linked to CasTerras in Victoria (a branch of the BP Guild) and the Trefoil Guild. (Guiding)

The BP Guild is Incorporated in the ACT with a Constitution and could provide a focus for Ex-Rovers in the Canberra region to continue their association (in an organised sense) with Scouting, Guiding and Each Other. More importantly you can be a member of the BP Guild and a Scout leader at the same time! You cannot be a member of the Scout Fellowship and a leader, as this requires 2 warrants! I have been Guild Master (2yrs) and am currently the Deputy Guildmaster.

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