Neil Pickford and Roots in the Stormwater Pipe

stormwtr2.jpg - 108467 Bytes - 10 metres of roots in the concrete stormwater pipe.

I have been getting into stormwater drain and the tree root business this weekend. After getting a plumber in last Thursday He told me to get a back hoe in, anyway I ordered one but I did some hand digging on Saturday and found the extent of the main problem was only 10 metres of roots.
I tested the remainder of the pipe with the hose and it took an hour at full bore without overflowing, however I did hear the water backing up. There are probably more roots in the remaining 30 metres as it goes under a healthy looking bush. At the moment I think this has been enough digging for now. :-)

stormwtr3.jpg - 19196 Bytes - The Concrete sealing the pvc into the old concrete pipe.

I have now replaced 4 metres of concrete pipe with 90 mm PVC. I am just waiting now for the concrete to set before connecting the final pieces.

I should hopefully get it working before it rains on Tuesday.

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