[Sniper] Time Change News from DOC

Neil Pickford sniper@happy.emu.id.au
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:09:00 +1000

*** Attention all Sniper Players ***


>From this week Doc has advised that he intends to start
Sniper games as early as possible on a Friday night.
Anyone wanting to play Snipers should be at the Zone and
ready to play by 10:00 PM.  

Hopefully games will start around 10:15 depending on bookings.
People wanting to play normal games beforehand should plan to
have them in by 9:30 PM.  Doc and Sally are making these 
changes to assist in coping with the extra demands placed on 
their family by their new child.




Every 2nd Thursday night starting this week will now have AFX
racing with the race track being set-up and anyone wanting to
compete with Doc and the others is welcome.

