[Techlunch] Attendance

techlunch at happy.emu.id.au techlunch at happy.emu.id.au
Fri Nov 18 11:45:21 EST 2022

Oh good, we can talk about you !I'm on my way to the club now, so will let others know if they haven't seen your email already.....Phil VK1PL (Sent from my phone  so please excuse any typos)
-------- Original message --------From: techlunch at happy.emu.id.au Date: 18/11/22  11:23 am  (GMT+10:00) To: TECH LUNCH <techlunch at happy.emu.id.au> Subject: [Techlunch] Attendance 
    G'day all,
        I was intending to be at lunch today, however I find I am unwell
        so will.
        give it a miss.

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