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Bethungra Awards yet another BP.

On Friday the 11th of August Crew and friends from all over the ACT gathered to see Alison Farrelly presented her Baden Powell (BP) Award. This continues the Bethungra and Farrelly family BP tradition with the last 5 BPs Awarded in the ACT during last decade coming from Bethungra Rovers. Alison had just returned from an overseas Scouting experience where she attended an international forum in Taipei and the World Moot in Mexico.

Alison managed to complete her BP in spite of being involved in a wide range of other demanding commitments. These included being BRC chair, Branch Rover Publicity officer, and Completing her Rover Wood Badge. She will be formally presented with the award at Government house in November this year.

Alison completed method B of the BP award and completed projects in the following 4 areas that align with the aims of the Scouting movement.

  • Physical Development - Ballroom Dancing
  • Social Development - Tutoring a Barnardos Child
  • Mental Development - Production of a Publicity video for the Rover Crew
  • Spiritual Development - Development of a set of Squire training material to be used in conjunction with the Rover vigil

All of the previous Bethungra BP awardees were able to be present on the night, and the Diamantina Group have now added Alison's name to the BP roll of Honour plaque that hangs in the Hall.

This page was last updated on: Tuesday, 13 February 2001

Contact Details:

Bethungra Rover Crew
C/- ACT Scout Headquarters
PO Box 251, Civic Square, ACT 2608


Email us:
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This page was created by Neil Pickford.