Fox Hunting in VK1

The technical group in VK1 now meets on Wednesday evenings at Mike Dowe's QTH from 7PM. During the months of November thru March 2001 Radio Fox Hunts are being held commencing 6:30PM sharp each Thursday evening. During the Winter period it is planned to hold one or two weekend fox hunts.

Hunting commences on Thursdays in Weston park Yarrallumla at 6:30 PM sharp. Extra equipment can be borrowed from the hounds gathering point in the Weston park carpark, adjacent to the Maze from 6:20 PM. (Spare Sniffers, Beams & Attenuators). At present there are generally 2 Hunts which finish around 8:30 PM. First Fox will be on 146.200 MHz and transmits a Tone and Morse code ID.
The liaison Frequency for the Hunts is the Black Hill 2M repeater VK1RAC on 146.900 MHz or simplex 146.500 MHz. Call if you get lost or need help.

VK1 FoxHunt Mail List

Comming Fox Hunt Info
Reports on Previous Hunts.

Hounds on the Hunt Report on Last Fox Hunt
Fox Hunt Report 07/12/00 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 09/11/00 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 02/11/00 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 11/02/99 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 03/10/98 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 26/3/98 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 19/3/98 Bernie
Fox Hunt Report 12/3/98 John
Fox Hunt Report 05/3/98 Laeli
Fox Hunt Report 26/2/98 Richard
Fox Hunt Report 19/2/98 Dave
Fox Hunt Report 12/2/98 John
Fox Hunt Report 12/2/98 Neil
Fox Hunt Report 05/2/98
Fox Hunt Report 29/1/98
Fox Hunt Report 22/1/98
Fox Hunt Report 15/1/98
Fox Hunt Report 08/1/98

The newsgroup also contains the reports on hunts completed.

More information will appear on this page in the near future.

Other ARDF - FOX Hunt Links

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This page was last updated on 12/12/2000